The large-scale burning of fossil fuels causes serious environmental damage. Over 80% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) generated by human activity comes from burning them.
Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge and key to the solution. Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels – coal, oil, or gas – causes a large chunk of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, that blanket the Earth and trap the sun’s heat.
According to Oxford University researchers, ending fossil fuel use by 2050 will save the world with at least $12 trillion investment’s in green energy . “There is a pervasive misconception that switching to clean, green energy will be painful, costly and mean sacrifices for us all – but that’s just wrong,” he said.
Global renewable energy capacity is expected to almost double and grow by 2,400 gigawatts (GW) over the 2022-2027 period, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said new report on “Renewables 2022,” its annual report on the sector.
According to IEA, the global economy rebounded at record speed in 2021 from the COVID-19 pandemic, with GDP growth reaching 5.9%. As energy intensity improvements stalled, global energy demand increased by 5.4%. Surging energy demand was in part met by increased use of coal, resulting in a 1.9 gigatonnes (Gt) jump in emissions in 2021, the largest annual increase in global CO2 emissions from the energy sector ever recorded.
New report showed that total CO2 emissions from the energy sector to 36.6 Gt in 2021. Recent investment in fossil fuel infrastructure not included in the 2021 Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario would result in 25 Gt of emissions if run to the end of its lifetime (around 5% of the remaining carbon budget for 1.5 °C). At the same time, 2021 also saw renewables-based electricity generation reach an all-time high, a record more than 500 terawatt-hours (TWh) above the level in 2020.
According to Eurostat, The growth in electricity generated from renewable energy sources during the period 2010 to 2020 largely reflects an expansion in three renewable energy sources across the EU, principally wind power, but also solar power and solid biofuels (including renewable wastes). In 2020, renewable energy sources made up 37.5 % of gross electricity consumption in the EU, up from 34.1 % in 2019.
New Report by the Eurostat stated that, The wind and hydro power accounted for more than two-thirds of the total electricity generated from renewable sources (36 and 33 %, respectively). The remaining one-third of electricity generated was from solar power (14 %), solid biofuels (8 %) and other renewable sources (8 %). Solar power is the fastest-growing source: in 2008, it accounted for 1 %. This means that the growth in electricity from solar power has been dramatic, rising from just 7.4 TWh in 2008 to 144.2 TWh in 2020.
According to new report By EIA, In the first six months of 2022, 24% of U.S. utility-scale electricity generation came from renewable Renewables are the fastest-growing electricity generation source in the United States., based on data from our Electric Power Monthly. The renewables’ share increased from 21% for the same time period last year. Renewables are the fastest-growing electricity generation source in the United States.
New report showed that, renewable generation sources include conventional hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. In the United States, most renewable electricity generation comes from hydropower, solar, and wind. Generation from renewable energy sources has grown rapidly as renewable capacity, mostly solar and wind, has been added to the grid.
According to World Health Organization , air pollution, an unseen threat to children’s health. Every year, air pollution kills 570,000 children under 5 years old. Over 250 MILLION people suffer from Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) globally.
The climate change is one of the most alarming issues threatening the life of the human civilization. In 2022 we have seen a series of devastating climate disasters in various parts of the world, 2022’s summer of disasters broke records worldwide.
The greatest minds and most influential leaders who have shaped the world and inspired positive changes among billions of people setting an excellent example of what it means to actually lead in fighting against the climate crisis and working for a bright, sustainable green future for all.
Nature plays an immense role in every aspect of our lives and offers untapped solutions to some
of our biggest challenges. Shining a spotlight in the nature-based solutions and technology can be powerful allies. The climate crisis demands that we deploy all available, proven, science- and evidence-based solutions.
“Today, one of the greatest world issues is that people around the world are a experiencing the impacts of climate change, from severe droughts , devastating wildfires , flooding, storm and hurricane. Across the world in air, land and sea, natural habitats are deteriorating. We are losing biodiversity at an alarming rate and destabilising precious ecosystems”. Albanian Minerals CEO Sahit Muja said.
Albanian Minerals has been laser-focused in advancing the new innovative natural solutions. The green Magnesium mineral Olivine is now considered one of the finest eco-friendly building block on new world capable of removing 1 trillion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
Using the hydration and carbonation of olivine not only increases the energy production but also sequesters at the same time large volumes of CO2 that would otherwise be emitted, or would have to be removed by expensive technologies. The term “supergreen fuel” refers to the fact that this energy production is not associated with CO2 production, but quite the contrary, it even sequesters CO2 while producing energy.
Magnesium olivine is the greatest natural solution to date against climate change, rising sea levels, rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, land degradation and desertification. It’s a nature’s way of turning carbon dioxide into nutrition for all biodiversity.
A great journey of scientist for 30 years and hundreds of researches worldwide has proven that this nobel mineral Olivine is one of the finest eco-friendly building block on new world capable of removing all world’s CO2 from the atmosphere.
Albanian Minerals holds and have discovered hundreds of billions of tons of green magnesium base mineral globally, world’s highest grade magnesium olivine enough and fully capable on capture 100 percent of all carbon dioxide worldwide. This new technology under development is very cheap, scalable, and permanent.
Albanian Minerals has develop new olivine product and secure essential mineral combination to solve one of the worlds greatest problem and healthy feed all living biodiversity .
Sahit Muja said, “To feed near 8 billion people, hundreds of billions of animals, trillions of sea creators and hundreds of trillions of plants, fruit trees, grass, vegetables and others.
Albanian Minerals is working intensively to bring to the global markets this mineral combination as one of the greatest future natural supplement combination the world have ever seen.
This marvelous wonder lies at the heart and body of every living thing . Is essential for all living cells and organisms. This is the next big thing in the 21st century, a great building block of new world”.
New York City has been globally recognize the top city in the world for technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.
According to the Vesta; The Town of Southampton is implementing a beach nourishment project to replenish sand at North Sea Beach. The project includes Coastal Carbon Capture that will advance climate science research.
According to Vesta; When olivine dissolves in water, it drives the below reaction to the right, thus increasing CO2 uptake, increasing pH, and generating alkalinity. As a result, this process has the potential co-benefit of counteracting ocean acidification. Ocean acidification is the process by which increasing atmospheric CO2 dissolves in seawater, which reduces pH (increasing acidity) (upper reaction in diagram below). This reduces the ability of calcifying organisms like corals to grow and produce exoskeletons, or shells. As you can see below, dissolving olivine in water sequesters hydrogen ions into dissolved silicate (H4SiO4), a molecule that can be used by diatoms, an important photosynthesizing algae that fixes carbon dioxide and forms the base of food web.
The North Sea Beach Colony-Beach Erosion Control District (NSCB-BECD) of the Town of Southampton has the necessary permits to complete the NSBC-BECD Beach Restoration Project.
This phase of the NSBC-BECD consists of using dredged sand from North Sea Harbor Inlet and transporting 10,000 cubic yards of it to nourish the 1,400 feet frontage of North Sea Beach Colony. Then, 500 cubic yards of additional olivine sand will be placed onto the North Sea Beach Colony frontage. Olivine sand will only require 1-2 days to place.
Albanian Minerals CEO Sahit Muja said, “ The climate change threatens the lives and livelihoods of billions of people. Natural disasters, environmental degradation and extreme weather patterns disrupt harvests, deplete food supply, fisheries, erode livelihoods and spur deadly diseases”.
Sahit Muja added that; The land degradation will remain one of the most important global issue for the 21st century because of its adverse impact on agronomic productivity, the environment, and its effect on food security and the quality of life. The future of water management is the future of our planet: water is the most precious commodity on earth. Water is our most precious resource, it is an irreplaceable element of our life, industry and our agriculture. Water it is at the very heart of our existence.
“The disastrous impacts of climate change are becoming more frequent. Strengthened partnerships between governments, companies, investors, and innovators is crucial. Confronting these challenges requires a concerted global response, including increased in public awareness, investments’ in innovative solutions to change climate problems”, Albanian Minerals CEO Sahit Muja said.
The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to maximizing nature-based solutions as critical
tools in its toolbox to confront climate change and other major challenges.
The world leaders called for tangible climate action, climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, and weather events are becoming more extreme.
The climate change is one of the most alarming issues threatening the life of the human civilization. In 2022 we have seen a series of devastating climate disasters in various parts of the world, 2022’s summer of disasters broke records worldwide.